منتديات ال حجازى الاسلامية
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة

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منتديات ال حجازى الاسلامية
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة

يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا

و التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي

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منتديات ال حجازى الاسلامية
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Windows XP Alternative version 3.0 (July 2009) 530 MB

اذهب الى الأسفل

Windows XP Alternative version 3.0 (July 2009)  530 MB Empty Windows XP Alternative version 3.0 (July 2009) 530 MB

مُساهمة من طرف saydhgzy2007 الجمعة فبراير 12, 2010 1:47 am

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته

Windows XP Alternative version 3.0 (July 2009) | 530 MB


Name: Windows XP Alternative v3.0 (July 2009)
Category: Operating Systems
Developer: MS
Year: 2009
File size: 530 MB
Enabling | reg code: not required
File Format: iso
Platform / OS: x86

The modified assembly of the corporate licensed versions Windows XP Professional SP3. Integrate all the available updates, new interface, automatic installation after selecting a section accelerated the total work system may update from Microsoft.

Integrate all the critical updates on the release date (updated OS, Internet Explorer 6), as well as the following software:
Adobe ®️ Flash ®️ Player ActiveX and Plugin (to view Flash animations in Internet Explorer and other applications, including all popular web browsers - Opera, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Chrome, Safari, etc.);
Direct X for March;
Microsoft. NetFramework 1.1 SP1 + LangPack, Microsoft. NetFramework 3.5 SP1 - both set in the first log-in
a set of libraries on almost all occasions;
Microsoft Visual C + + 2005 SP1 + Microsoft Visual C + + 2009 SP1;
defragmentator system files "(SysInternals Page Defrag);
utility (system service) UPHClean, which provides a valid off-loading a user profile;
Windows Media Player 11 with all updates
ICCD Smart Card Driver in Windows Feature Pack for Storage 1.0 (KB952013) - adds Windows XP support for ICCD smart cards;
KB955704 - adds support for Windows XP file system exFat;
include programmatic support Raid 5.

Integrated drayverpak MassStorage, to ensure the installation of assembly for notebook computers and not just

Additional applets in the Control Panel:
tuning ClearType - Install anti-aliasing of fonts;
Tweak UI - a tool from MS to configure the system;
autoload - ability to disable and delete startup programs.

Additions in the contextual menu and patches:
CDClose - adds a menu of drives, click "Close";
HashTab v3.0.0 - Displays heshi MD5, SHA-1 and CRC-32 in the properties file;
Unlocker - utility to delete, move and rename files and folders that can not be removed by conventional means - in the "Send"
button "Close" from the context menu, the drive;
tab "Reference amount" in the properties file (HashTab);
patch to increase the limit of simultaneous incomplete (half-open) connections TCP / IP c 10 to 100;
patch for use unsigned themes;
pPolnostyu disabled DEP;
removed the message, which appears on every boot after changing anything in MSConfig.
patch to enable the use of the registry key SfcDisable = 0xFFFFFF9D to be able to fully turn off the system file protection SFC (WFP).


design, similar to Windows Vista (ResPatch YP);
theme: VistaCG, VistaXP, Royale (Energy Blue), Luna Element, AeroBlue;
beautiful wallpaper;
5 cursors schemes: Blue Arrow, Chaninja, Grey, Vista Aero, Mac OS X;
7 screensaver;
added fonts Calibri, SegoeUi, and also replaced the standard for analogs of Windows Vista;
the logo of your processor in the "System Properties";
Gauge HDD, Flash, network drives;
also replaced the standard for similar sounds from Windows Vista.

Because the system has removed the following components:
installation of a system / upgrade from previous versions of operating system (available only to "clean" install)
unused during the installation and continued operation of the system files;
Tour familiarity with Windows;
OOBE - the component that is used to activate and create users when you first log into the system;
Examples of sounds, the standard screen savers, pictures, etc.;
game "Pinball"
desktop background (Plastering, Green Stone, Rhododendron, etc);
animated assistants on the search;
clock.avi, yahoo.bmp, swtchbrd.bmp

The difference between this release of 2.9:

Official updates for July 2009):
added KB961371, KB969395
added KB971633 (supersedes KB961373)
added KB973346 (supersedes KB969898)
new design;
tviki registry format. reg;
new CDClose not determined by some antivirus as a possible trojan + points and the closure of extraction in a single compartment;
. Net Framework 1.1 and 3.5 installed at the first entrance;
HashTab v3.0.0;
another pack of drivers Mass Storage;
miscellaneous small but useful changes / corrections

Checksums image:

MD5: 838D71EE2CABF148099218781590956B
SHA-1: 89F5FD2A46CFCF32B480828EAB4003B98CBA1317

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عضو ذهبى
عضو ذهبى

عدد المساهمات : 1468
نقاط : 31668
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/12/2009

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