منتديات ال حجازى الاسلامية
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة

يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا

و التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي

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ادارة المنتدى

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منتديات ال حجازى الاسلامية
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة

يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا

و التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي

واسرة المنتدى ترحب بجميع الزائرين

ادارة المنتدى
منتديات ال حجازى الاسلامية
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اخيرا وندوز Windows XP SP3 X-RIDE CD 2009 SATA 698 MB

اذهب الى الأسفل

اخيرا وندوز Windows XP SP3 X-RIDE CD 2009 SATA  698 MB Empty اخيرا وندوز Windows XP SP3 X-RIDE CD 2009 SATA 698 MB

مُساهمة من طرف saydhgzy2007 الجمعة فبراير 12, 2010 9:44 am

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته

Windows XP SP3 X-RIDE CD 2009 SATA | 698 MB

This assembly is built on the original image of Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 Russian version, with all the updates on April 24, 2009 NEWS! WPI, now to decide what needs to be integrated into our operating system.
Year: 2009
Version: X-team v2.5.09
Security updates on: April 24, 2009!
Language: Russian
Platform: x86 (32bit)
Compatibility with Vista: unknown
Developer: X-Team Group
Tabletka: Present
File Format: ISO

:::::::Change Language for XP:::::::

if this version not is english ,
you can change to English or your language :

How to change Language to English
1.click start
2.click control panel
3.click region and language options (globe shaped icon)

if in classic view
click date, time,region and language options (globe shaped icon)
click region and language options (globe shaped icon)
change both address bars to english
click ok
failing that you might be able to download the english language files from microsoft

PS it is usual procedure in untouched XP

google more about Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Pack installation. (muisetup.exe)

More info:
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Dual-boot options:
Installing Microsoft Windows XP SP3 semi-automatic WITHOUT SATA \ \ RAID drivers
Installing Microsoft Windows XP SP3 in the semi-automatic mode
Installing Microsoft Windows XP SP3 manually without SATA \ \ RAID
Installing Microsoft Windows XP SP3 in the manual mode

Utilities in the menu:
Acronis Disk Director 10.0 v2.169.
Norton Partition Magic 8.05.
Victoria v3.51 Rus.
Memtest 86-3.3.

Integrated software:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7% 2B update
Windows Media Player 11 Final Russian% 2B update
Microsoft Calculator Plus
Microsoft Update Agent 7.2.6001.788
Auto Update Client
Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.0009.1
Additional Cursors, sounds and themes
Various tviki Registry
Patched uxtheme.dll
Updated libraries VC% 2B% 2B
RAID 5 for the Sp3 - Allows you to include in WINDOWS XP PRO undocumented an opportunity to expand the program arrays RAI

Advanced Control Panel applets:
Adobe Flash ActiveX Control
M $. NET Framework 1.1% 2B 2.0 SP1 fixes% 2B Russian Language Pack
Microsoft DirextX March 2009 Updates
Sun Java JRE 1.6 Update 13
HashTab 2.3.0
avatars to the Start menu
Vista Drive Icon 6in1 v3.6.1 with multivariate mode.
VisualTaskTips_RU_v3.4 replaces the name of the program to the taskbar, a small sketch of open applications.
Library dll needed for many programs
Astroburn v 1.0.91 - a small program to record a CD, and DVD
Notepad2 new notebook with extended capabilities
Unlocker v1.8.7programma to delete, move the file system employed
Vit registruy Fix powerful tool to find and remove registry errors
Adress Bar new address bar, with convenient access to the file share

Ability to set for 39 minutes with the right choice of the shell and the main menu:
DP_Wlan_Network.7z = Drivers for wireless network
DP_Video_nVidia.7z = NVidia drivers for video cards
DP_Video_Via.7z = Drivers for video cards Via
DP_Video_Intel.7z = Drivers for Intel video cards
DP_Video_ATI.7z = Drivers for ATI video cards
DP_Sound_Sound_max.7z = Drivers for sound card SoundMax
DP_Sound_Via.7z = Drivers for sound cards via
DP_Sound_Sigmatel.7z = Drivers for sound card Sigmatel
DP_Sound_Realtek.7z == Drivers for sound cards
DP_Mass_Storage.7z = Drivers for storage devices
DP_Lan_Network.7z = Drivers for network cards
DP_Chipset.7z = Drivers for chipset
DP_Sound_Creative.7z = Drivers for sound cards creative

Attention! Pack drivers are the only "rescue circles" in cases where no original drivers. If the original driver is available - from unpacking drayvpakov better to refuse (except MassStorage)! There have been cases where bugs, which accused the assembly, depended not on the build of a package of drivers. After reinstalling the system and install the native drivers - everything is normal. So when selecting packages of drivers above 10, think again. Using the native drivers - the pledge of stability and long without glyuchnoy of your system.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions!:
1.1. Are tested by Microsoft to get updates?
Answer: Yes, it passes. Update Service is disabled, but when you try to upgrade, you will be prompted to insert the service.

1.2. Does the assembly of the driver?
Answer: The drivers for Video, Lan, Chipset, MassStorage there, with the ability to cancel their 39 minutes of installation. As a rule these drivers, but if necessary, is easy doustanovit update or correct.

1.3. What is a checksum MD5? and how to check?
Answer: Checksum - a value calculated putm use of certain operations on input data. The same as the hash.
Checksum is usually used to verify the correctness of data transmission channels of communication or as a guarantee of origin of any data.
Calculating MD5-svrtki after upload files to compare with pre-known. Need to confirm the authenticity of the received file. I advise HashTab

1.4. My antivirus found a trojan, virus, etc., etc.?
Answer: All files in the assembly repeatedly checked for viruses by several antivirus products.
1. The files that cause you suspect you may check:
on-line verification of the files for viruses.
2. Try the Internet the information about the virus, which detects your antivirus configured for detection of potentially dangerous and unwanted software.
PS You can opt out of the assembly if you have concerns and do not ask a bunch of idiotic questions on this topic.

1.5. I do not like in the assembly of the presence or absence of software that annoying boot images, settings, etc. etc.
Answer: Build available for free trial use of an "as is". Refined to individual claims will not be. You mozhite doustanovit desired program and change the look by adding a theme. You can choose not to use the assembly, if it concerns you, or does not meet your needs.

1.6. I would like to know the assembly is composed of all or some update?
Answer: The assembly consists of only the most critical and important updates, current at the time of the creation of the assembly.

1.7. I downloaded and installed the game (Tetris), but it does not work, what is the cubic triangular ...
Answer: With these questions, please contact the manufacturer of the software pre-think where you bought it ... may be jeopardized or that pirate version ....

1.8. Where to get the serial number?
Answer: If you are installing in automatic and semi-automatic seriynika input is not required. The manual installation looking room in the boot disk menu. Setting out of windows is strictly not recommended.

Issues recording an image on disk.
2.1. At what speed to record the image?
Answer: The Image recording is recommended for 4 or 8 speeds. Strongly encouraged to do the recording at high speeds. To burn the image with the required verification (test) after the recording.

2.2. Which program to use for recording the image?
Answer: Alcohol 120%, Nero 6, UltraISO

2.3. I downloaded the image, but it looks like a RAR archive. His need to uncompress?
A:: None. Go to Settings and uncheck archiver with the Association of iso. Write down the image using the above mentioned programs.

2.4. You can install the assembly by means of the virtual drive emulators DAEMON, ALCOHOL?
Answer: None. The image always write to disk.

2.5. What drives a better way to write?
Answer: You should use DVD R and CD R minus negative, be sure to choose a good kachestva.Disk course obmom a desired assembly. Disk with multi session.

Start the installation. Start from the BIOS.
3.1. How to start the installation of this assembly?
Answer: Insert the disc into the drive and reboot the computer. There autostart CD. In the disc menu choose avtoustanovku. If autostart is not occurred on the disk, you must set the BIOS to start the drive first. To do this:
Overloading the computer, as soon as the screen became chrnym starting to click (do not stop), press Delete. Heels seconds and you will find yourself in the BIOS. Management in BIOS: arrows up, down, Enter (to enter, enter), Esc (exit, return).
There is a small but - the fact is that the BIOS has many varieties, but essentially it does not change. You need to find the First Boot Device in the nm install box on your Sidir. Once installed - making out with persistence - zhmm F10 (to a query with y) zhmm Enter. A computer reboot. Sun. You can put the disk.

System requirements:
Computer and processor
Requires a PC equipped with a processor with a clock speed of 256 MHz or higher;
recommended a family of 300 MHz Intel Pentium / Celeron, AMD K6/Athlon/Duron family or compatible processor with them.
The recommended amount of RAM - 512 MB or more (minimum allowable - 256 MB, while productivity may be limited and some features)
Hard Drive
Requires 10 GB of free disk space (the used space on your hard drive depends on the configuration, for custom installation may require more or less disk space)
A DVD-ROM drive
Other Devices
Keyboard and mouse (Microsoft), or compatible pointing device
Monitor resolution of 800/600 or higher
Video - 32 MB

CRC32: 40C55EB0
MD5: 4EF86DD826B180C0DA65160B1A5C9252
SHA-1: C08CD2DAC145BF18EDB3C8C3A7A49140CE490C73
Size: 698.64 Mb
The medicine is in the archive!

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عضو ذهبى
عضو ذهبى

عدد المساهمات : 1468
نقاط : 31458
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/12/2009

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